Qero Healings & Blessings
All clearings are done with prayer to the keepers of the under world FEATHERS FROM SACRED BIRDS, SACRED PLANTS, ROCKS OR WATER.
We the Qero belive that to have balance in our lives we must be in harmony with nature and our selfs. This is achived by clearing our selfs of dence energy Hucha throw ritualistic Ceremonys. Becouse we acumulate «HUCHA» dencity that lowers our vibrational frequency. Leaving us open to miss fortune, accidents, bad luck and poverty.
By clearing these energys reguly we vibrate at the same vibrational frequency as nature. We accumulate «HUCHA» form ill intent from others, negative statements and talk, contacting with people of lower vibrational frequency, our own family lineage and gosep.
The same can be said for spacess, or homes and our bussinesses.
With prayer and the chaneling of the elements of nature we turne dencity stored in the chakras or as we call them Ñawis turning it in to light. It’s science the body function on electric currents from the nervouse system. Wen these currents and frequencys are not correct or high we experice depression and missfortune. By getting a clearing and blessing reguly we maintain our bodys natural state of frequency.
Qero healings & blessings
Contact me for details
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