Qero Despacho Earth Offerings
“When we rase our frequency we change our future”
In Qero Comunitys earth offerings are done for healing and transformation. We offer these for the first time in Australia. Theres personal despachos, Family despachos & Bussines Offerings for every ocation from family problems, finding Love, finding Work, Making you magnetic to others and abundant.
With the help of the PACHEMAMA we rase your energetic freaquency to attract everything you want to better your life and make you happier. We all so offer Despacho Earth offerings for your Bussines to rase profits and better relation with partners emplees and service providers oppening doors to new beggining.
As well as soul retrivals for depretion and axiety. These not only rase your vibrational frequency they all so clean your energetic field, making you more magnetic and bring good luck and abundance in to your life.
The Qero have being doing these for the past 14 thousend yrs.
Im the only one in Australia to have acces to Authentic Qero DESPACHOS, My family being the oldest linige in cusco with the best Qero Masters and only Altomasaoc left in cusco Doña Maria Apaza see instant results!! An altomasaoc is the Andian high pretess/ prest of the Qero he/she can comunicate with all living beings on the plantes in nature he/she has a direct connection to the grate spirit and can move energy directly from souce. HE/SHE is an agent of Nature Pachemama the creator. They are an extention of nature in human form.
Earth offerings start from $175 dependent on Materials used and if travel is needed to sacred loaction in nature to be buried or buried.
I my self and my clients have experienced meany instant blessings and changes with in days weeks and months. Keep in mined the QERO DO THESE REGULY, so I recomend to keep potency for you to re do every 6 months. Specialy for bussines ventures unrequaided love and good job oportunitys. This is how the Qero keep there lives and comunitys abundent. Wail keeping there traditions intact and living in balance with nature. This family has not introdused any colonial practices of religen to there practise nor are they religeous.
A very special thing meany familys of Qero shamans have changed traditional ceremonies and have introduced catholic belifs.
Ask us today!
Qero Earth offering for all issues"Despacho"
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