Blue Lotus Re Bearthing Ceremony
"Aiding us in our juerny to beth & discover new love and self"
Immerse yourself in the symbolism of the vibrant blue lotus flower as we guide you through a transformative experience. From Egyptians and Mayans traditions, the Blue lotus flower gives you a sense of tranquility and connection. Why Re-Berthing? Becouse wen we consume this sacred plant we re set the paths in our lives. To open new oportunities letting go of our past blockiges to truly re aline our selfs with our most authentic self and sacred life work. Like the lotus we come from mood to florish our life fulfilling Purpes and Devaing Destany. Opening the third eye, crown and the heart chakras to reseave devaing blessings wisdom and manifest outcomes. Just as the ancient egypts did!
Throw chanelling ISIS Mother Gaya, AMUN RA Creator God of JUSTICE AND HEALLING, HARTHOR goddess of beauty, sensuality, music, dancing, and maternity, SECKMET Master healer and Godess of war & stregth and the lotus guardian NEFERTEM,BASTET protector of the home & negative energy, WAGET protector of lower and upper Egypt & THOTH-truth and knowllige. Join us for a journey of self-discovery and heightened awareness in this unique ceremony.
Blue lotus
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